Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys
About Me
Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

Hello world! My name is Mary, and my dog is my best friend. His name is Bandit, and he's a spunky little rescue. He hates to be left alone, and I'll admit that he once broke through a screen, walked several miles to where I was, and sat outside the cafe waiting for me. Since I work from home and don't go out often, I spend a lot of time with him. However, in most cases, owners would need to crate train their dogs in those situations. Anyway, wherever you are in your relationship with your dog, I hope you find what you need in this blog. It's going to be a mixture of fun tips, ideas, and facts. Enjoy!


Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

Aquarium Supplies

Amber Knight

If you are considering caring for aquatic pets such as fish or turtles, you should first know about the types of supplies you will need. Some essential supplies are discussed herein. 


Whether it's a bowl for a goldfish or a hundred gallon turtle tank, the tank is one of the most important supplies for your aquatic pet. The type of tank will depend on your pet. Fish bowls are usually one to three gallons, made of plastic or glass, and suited for a couple of small fish such as Betta fish. For larger fish and/or more types of fish and aquatic animal, a square or rectangular tank is used. These are made of glass with plastic rims and base. You can buy an open-top tank, which are cheaper, and excellent for young aquatic turtles. Tanks with fitted tops usually include special features such LED lamps and circulation pumps. Some businesses offer custom fish tanks, which are pricey, but for large home aquariums, they are usually worth it.  


The job of a basic filter is to catch and trap the dirt in the tank, usually organic products from the breakdown of pet food, feces, and colonies of bacteria. A filter can have a filter cartridge that you replace every few weeks; these are made of soft, fluffy material that catches dirt and may contain charcoal carbon chips that help remove heavy dirt from the water. There are many more types of filters besides these, and the type and strength of filter varies depending on the type, size, and quantity of fish or other pet. In almost all cases, even in those with easily replaceable cartridges, filters will need to be regularly and thoroughly cleaned. This is a crucial part of caring for a small or large aquarium.

Heat systems 

Heat systems are crucial for aquatic pets since the health and life of fish and other animals depends on water temperature. Typically, a light that gives off heat will need to be used. Many fish tanks come with an LED lamp, but they can also be bought separately and attached to the top of the tank. Note that for pet turtles, it is important to have a particularly effective, high-heat lamp not only to regulate water temperature, but to make sure the basking area reaches a certain temperature. Aquatic turtles need a basking area, a place they sit in the light and soak up warmth. Using a light with U.V, rays will improve the lives of turtles too, since it will mimic sunlight. 

Aquatic Life Support Systems

Aquatic life support systems can refer to a variety of products that keep fish and other animals alive and improve their health. Filters and heat sources are parts of an aquatic life support system. There are a few other products worth noting that serve as examples. Sand filters basically put small amounts of sand into the water and ensure that they stay suspended rather than just sinking. Then, helpful bacteria colonize the particles of sand. UV lamps are great to use because the radiation can kill unhelpful bacteria, mold, and algae. Foam fractionators are mini-machines that work to remove organic dirt from water. They are more powerful than standard filters and are used in large aquariums where a lot of water treatment is needed.
