Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys
About Me
Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

Hello world! My name is Mary, and my dog is my best friend. His name is Bandit, and he's a spunky little rescue. He hates to be left alone, and I'll admit that he once broke through a screen, walked several miles to where I was, and sat outside the cafe waiting for me. Since I work from home and don't go out often, I spend a lot of time with him. However, in most cases, owners would need to crate train their dogs in those situations. Anyway, wherever you are in your relationship with your dog, I hope you find what you need in this blog. It's going to be a mixture of fun tips, ideas, and facts. Enjoy!


Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

3 Reasons To Go With A Corn Snake As Your First Pet Snake

Amber Knight

Have you always wanted to own a snake but never had the guts to pull the trigger? Maybe a family member disapproves or you are worried about how you are going to care for it. In this situation, it might be best to start small with a snake like a corn snake to see if you can handle it. Owning a corn snake has several benefits when compared with some other popular pet snake types. Here are three reasons why you might want to go search for corn snakes for sale today.

Corn Snakes Take Up Less Space

When you go with a smaller snake as your first pet snake, it makes storing it so much easier. Corn snakes only grow to be somewhere around four to five feet long, according to Reptiles Magazine. This means you can get away with using a much smaller cage than you would for say, a boa constrictor. This would make it easier to store the snake somewhere like your own bedroom or another smaller room in the house if someone in the family is uncomfortable with the idea of a snake moving in and doesn't want to see it in the living room every day.

Less Food is Needed

If you are on a budget, you will be happy to know that when you buy a smaller snake, you won't have to buy as much food on a regular basis. You'll be able to get away with feeding your snake perhaps a small rat for dinner as opposed to a larger animal like a rabbit. This will save you a lot of money over your corn snake's lifespan.

Safer for You and Other to Handle

One other benefit of having a smaller snake like a corn snake is that they are much easier and safer to handle. Whereas a boa constrictor or python can quickly make a human uncomfortable thanks to its large size, a corn snake is small enough that most people will feel more comfortable handling it. If you are trying to get a family member to come around and be more comfortable around snakes, a corn snake is a good place to start.

If you are looking at options for your first pet snake, you can't go wrong with a corn snake. Corn snakes are one of the smaller popular snakes available today for use as pets, require less food and maintenance than some other larger snakes, and will also be easier to handle, which might make you and your family feel a bit safer. Reach out to local pet snake supplier today for more information.
