Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys
About Me
Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

Hello world! My name is Mary, and my dog is my best friend. His name is Bandit, and he's a spunky little rescue. He hates to be left alone, and I'll admit that he once broke through a screen, walked several miles to where I was, and sat outside the cafe waiting for me. Since I work from home and don't go out often, I spend a lot of time with him. However, in most cases, owners would need to crate train their dogs in those situations. Anyway, wherever you are in your relationship with your dog, I hope you find what you need in this blog. It's going to be a mixture of fun tips, ideas, and facts. Enjoy!


Give a Dog a Bone: Blogs About Pets and Toys

How Cannabis Can Help Dogs

Amber Knight

More and more people are learning about the benefits that cannabis can have with regards to helping them through certain illnesses, pains, and other physical or emotional issues. However, not a lot of people give thought to how cannabis may be able to help dogs with some of their issues. The fact is, cannabis can also be beneficial to dogs who are dealing with a variety of ailments themselves. You can learn about some of the different things cannabis can help dogs with right here:

Anxiety issues – Dog's can suffer from anxiety issues just as people do. Your dog can have anxiety over a variety of things such as being separated from you, being separated from one of your other pets, being alone, going in public places, going to the vet, going to the groomers, and going to a boarding facility. Anxiety can also be just as hard on dogs as it is on people, and cannabis can be used to help dogs calm their anxiety too.

Depression – A dog can become depressed and lose their zest for life. If you notice your dog no longer has energy, looks at you like they are miserable, no longer gets excited about the things they used to, and even has appetite changes, then you may want to talk to your vet about the possibility of your dog being depressed. Some of the things that can cause a dog to develop depression include a big recent life change (like moving), losing their partner, or recently undergoing surgery. If your dog is depressed, cannabis may be able to help.

Pain – Many people use cannabis as a way to feel relief from different types of pains, such as back issues or arthritis. If your dog also suffers from a painful condition then it may also be possible for cannabis to help your dog to physically feel better. Some of the more common pains that many dogs suffer from include eye problems, hip dysplasia, and arthritis. If your dog has slowed down in their activity level lately, constantly licks themselves, moves differently and/or shows differences in the way they do certain things like walking up stairs or jumping in the car, then they may be hurting. The vet can help you to figure out if and where your dog is hurting. Cannabis for dogs may be a very helpful option if your dog is in pain, has depression, or has anxiety issues.
